Taylor County Transit provides safe, reliable, accessible, and affordable transportation to the citizens of Taylor County.
Transportation is available to: Grocery Stores, Doctors’ Offices, Dentists’ Offices, Pharmacies, Lawyers’ Offices, Business Appointments, Shopping, Dialysis Clinics, Banks, and many other destinations.
Transportation is available by reservation only. To help ensure your trip is scheduled, advance reservations are strongly encouraged. A 3-day schedule is requested before the appointment day.
- Priscilla Lumpkin
- Charles McCants
- Christal Gibson
- Sybil Talton
- Contact Information:
- Pam Harris – Director
- Phone: 478-862- 9526
- Email: tctransit@pstel.net
Wheelchair-accessible service is available. When you call to schedule your trip, please let us know of any assistance you may need in boarding or disembarking from the vehicle. For the safety of all passengers, our policy requires that wheelchairs be secured to the vehicle.
Persons using respirators or portable oxygen are permitted.
Service animals accompanying individuals with disabilities are permitted.
Personal care attendants accompanying persons with disabilities (ADA) are permitted free of charge.

Days & Hours of Operation
8 AM - 5 PM, Monday through Friday
Closed on the following holidays:
- New Years Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Presidents Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Fourth of July
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day & the day after
- Christmas Day, the day before, & the day after
- New Year’s Eve
Fares | Per Person One Way | |
All inside Taylor County | $3.00 | |
Crawford and Talbot Counties | $6.00 | |
Macon, Marion, Peach, Schley, and Upson Counties | $7.00 | |
Bibb, Houston, and Sumter Counties | $8.00 |
*Medicaid only pays for medical trips. Any other stops will be $2.00 per stop.
*Rider’s fare is to be paid when passengers are boarding the vehicle.
*Cash and checks are accepted. Riders will be charged $25 for returned checks and will not be permitted to ride until fee is paid.